339 High St,
Northcote, VIC 3070

The Northcote Animal Hospital Blog

Veterinary care at Northcote Animal Hospital

How Dog and Cat Vaccinations Work

Vaccinating your pet is one of the most important responsibilities of being a pet owner. Pet vaccinations, like human vaccinations, help to protect your cat or dog from harmful but preventable diseases. After all, our fluffy friends are our companions and protectors, so we want to make sure that they are as happy and healthy

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veterinarian in latex gloves examining dog paw

Northcote Vet’s Response to COVID-19

As the COVID-19 – or novel coronavirus – continues to develop and evolve, the team at Northcote Animal Hospital would like to reassure all pet owners that we are doing everything we can to protect our customers, staff and the wider community. This has meant the introduction of certain procedures and protocols to limit the

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Dog and cat eating food from a bowl

Foods to Avoid Feeding Cats and Dogs

As much as they may beg us for our tasty human food, unfortunately not all foods are suitable for your dogs and cats. And as difficult as it may be to turn down their adorable faces, it will definitely benefit them in the long run. To keep your furry friend as healthy as possible, there

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Traveling with Cats, Dogs and Pets

Tips & Tricks for Safe Car Travel with Cats, Dogs & Pets

Looking for tips and tricks for safe car travel with cats and dogs? Everyone who has a pet will know how difficult it can be to take a spontaneous weekend away, or a trip down to the beach for the summer. How will you keep your cat or dog secure in the car? Will they

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kitten toys playing environment

Environmental Enrichment for Your Cat

You may not have heard of the term ‘environmental enrichment’ before. If you haven’t—and you’re a cat owner (and lover!)—both you and your cat are in for a treat! Environmental enrichment is essentially all about setting up the type of environment for your cat in which they will be stimulated all day. While most cats

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kitten getting its teeth cleaned by vet

How to Ensure Healthy Cat Dental Care

The dental health of your cat is an important aspect of their overall health. After all, healthy teeth make for a happy cat. While your vet will check on your cat’s dental health during your annual check-up, there is a range of measures you can implement at home to ensure that your cat has as

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kitten eating food from bowl

What Sort of Food is Best for My Cat?

Cat people are among the most devoted pet owners out there. They always have the best interests of the feline friends at heart. So, if you’re a cat person you’ll want to make sure that your little kitty is leading the most luxurious, yet healthy lifestyle possible. A large part of that means finding the

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Vet microchipping a cat

What’s Involved in Microchipping Your Puppy or Kitten

Pets are a part of the family, so it’s a sad fact that dogs and cats can sometimes go missing. Over the years, pet owners have utilised various means in order to locate their lost pet. The most commonly known method to help others identify your cat or dog should they find themselves lost is

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cat getting vaccinations

Cat Vaccinations Explained

Regular vaccinations go a long way in making sure your cat is happy and healthy. Because cats love to wander, keeping an eye on them isn’t always possible. Unlike dogs (who are usually accompanied by an owner), numerous owned cats share the same territory in an urban environment so interactions with neighbourhood cats (both owned

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Cat cleaning Dog's teeth - Dental Health

Pet Dental Health: The Importance of Regular Dental Checks

Whether you have a cat, dog, horse, rabbit, guinea pig or even a rescued wallaby, you need to keep on top of their dental health to ensure they have a long, happy and healthy life. Unfortunately, pets don’t display the same signs and symptoms that humans commonly deal with when suffering from a toothache or

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